Group Finder

Group Finder

  • 1/24/2025 10:00 AM
  • 2/7/2025 10:00 AM
  • 2/21/2025 10:00 AM
  • 3/7/2025 10:00 AM
  • 3/21/2025 10:00 AM
  • 4/4/2025 10:00 AM
  • 4/18/2025 10:00 AM
  • 5/2/2025 10:00 AM

01/24/2025 to 05/02/2025

907 Moms

907 Moms is a community for moms in all stages of life. We meet twice monthly (Sept - May)

Room 100
Mountain City Church

Monday at 5:30 PM

American Heritage Girls

The mission of AHG is to build women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country. Meets in room 208.

Room 208
Mountain City Church

Thursday at 7:00 PM


Embracing the wounded among us, we, as followers of Christ, recognize the profound impact of trauma on the human spirit. In the compassionate teachings of Jesus, we find solace and strength to accompany those grappling with the scars of their past. As stewards of love and empathy, we believe in fostering spaces of understanding and healing. Thus, we proudly endorse and support our PTSD (Post­Traumatic Stress Disorder) support group, where the broken find refuge, the burdened find comradeship, and the healing journey begins in the warmth of shared experience and unwavering faith. Together, we navigate the shadows of the past, knowing that through fellowship and divine grace, we emerge as beacons of hope and resilience.

6505 DeBarr Rd Anchorage, AK 99504

Tuesday at 7:00 PM

Anger Resolution

Many people believe that a little anger is all right and that it just needs to be controlled. Actually, the only one who has the right and authority to get angry is God. When we deal with others in anger, we put ourselves in His place. Success is determined by relationships; relationships are determined by character.

6505 DeBarr Rd Anchorage, AK 99504

Thursday at 7:00 PM

Beyond Walls

Beyond Walls is a support group designed to help family and friends of those who are incarcerated. Many times the family and friends feel alone, unwanted. Beyond Walls desires to help you navigate the significant changes in life that take place because of the incarceration.

6505 DeBarr Rd Anchorage, AK 99504

Weekly: Sundays at 5:30 PM
02/02/2025 to 03/23/2025

Biblical Citizenship

Join us in this quick-start guide to the longest-standing Constitution in history with an overview of its Articles and Amendments. The class is fast-paced and filled with humor PLUS history we’re sure most have never heard! Learn about Biblical principles used to develop our founding documents. Meets in room 100. See details and sign up here:

Room 100
Mountain City Church

Wednesday at 7:00 PM

Cold-Case Christianity

This is a small group study of the book Cold-Case Christianity by J. Warner Wallace, a nationally recognized homicide detective. Christianity could be defined as a “cold case” as it makes claims about events from the distant past for which there is little forensic evidence. Meets in room 110.

Room 110
Mountain City Church

Sunday at 4:00 PM

Cross Fire

First hour group to deal with basic gun handling, safety, and ranger educate. Second group to focus more in depth into the action shooting sports. Meets in room 119.

Room 118
Mountain City Church

Saturday at 8:00 AM

Cross Light

This group meets at Golden Corral for food, fellowship, and prayer together every Saturday.

4520 Union Square Dr Anchorage, AK 99503-7245

Monday at 7:00 PM

Divorce Care

Divorce is one of the most painful experiences you can face. So many emotions. So many challenges. You don’t have to go through it alone. DivorceCare offers support, answers, and practical tools to help you manage the many stresses of separation and divorce and find healing. DivorceCare is a 13-week support group that helps you heal from the pain of separation or divorce. The experience involves three main components designed to help in that healing: a video, group discussion, and participant workbook.

6505 DeBarr Rd Anchorage, AK 99504

Tuesday at 7:00 PM

Drug & Alcohol

Recovery Alaska is a Christian recovery program to assist in helping the lives of adult men and women suffering from addiction to drugs and alcohol. Recovery Alaska has been ministering to the Anchorage community for 17 years helping men and women find freedom from addiction and live productive lives through a Christ-centered approach. This is accomplished through the power of Jesus Christ and the biblical principles as expressed in the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.

6505 DeBarr Rd Anchorage, AK 99504

Wednesday at 7:00 PM

Evangelism Group

This will be an outreach class on sharing your faith with others. Using the Bless Every Home app to reach our neighborhoods this summer.

Room 222
Mountain City Church

Sunday at 5:00 PM

Faith Bible Institute

Faith Bible Institute (FBI) is a Bible college course for every Christian. Students will study chronologically through the ENTIRE BIBLE and systematically through every major doctrine. Yet, basic classes meet only 1 evening each week. FBI combines solid Bible teaching with an interactive DVD Video format utilizing student workbooks, charts, 3D maps and images to produce a unique and engaging learning experience. Join the over 50,000 students who have been trained through Faith Bible Institute. For more information about the overall program, visit: . Enrollment opens each semester. Please contact Scott & Loretta Railing for information on enrollment windows and information regarding any upcoming electives being offered.

Room 110
Mountain City Church

Weekly: Sundays at 9:30 AM


Foundations is a 10-week course that walks through the storyline of the bible and reviews key Christian doctrines while learning to apply this knowledge to sharing the Gospel. The class begins 16 February and meets in room 210.

6401 E Northern Lights Blvd Anchorage, AK 99504-3312

Monday at 7:00 PM

Grief Share

Grief Share is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences.

6505 DeBarr Rd Anchorage, AK 99504

The 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month at 6:00 PM

JBER Sermon Study Group

We review/discuss passages from the Sunday sermon and using it as a leaping off point into deeper discussion/application. We take communion together, enjoy a meal, and spend time in prayer together. Meets on JBER.

Jber Anchorage, AK 99505

Monday at 1:00 PM

Knitting & Crocheting

This group is for women of all ages whether you already know how to knit or crochet, or want to learn – we’ll teach you! We crochet bags, hats, lap blankets, and other items for some of our local partners such as Beacon Hill and assisted living homes in our community. But even if you want to crochet or knit your own project, we invite you to join us! Meets in room 113.

Room 113
Mountain City Church

Thursday at 6:15 PM

Ladies' Bible Study

Women's bible study. Meets in East Anchorage.

Room 113
Mountain City Church

Wednesday at 7:00 PM

Marriage Group

A group for married couples to connect relationally and grow spiritually through friendship, food, and a biblical marriage study. Meets in room 111.

Room 111
Mountain City Church

Weekly: Tuesdays,Thursdays,Fridays at 6:00 AM

Men's Basketball - Mornings

Join us as we spend time in devotion, prayer, and some fun competition! Meets in the church MPR/gym.

Room 111
Mountain City Church

Monday at 7:00 PM

Men's Basketball - Nights

We meet every Monday and play the game of basketball together. We have a time of prayer and reflection on what God is doing in our lives as men. Meets in the church gym.

Room Big Gym
Mountain City Church

Wednesday at 7:00 PM

Men's Leadership Group

We are currently finishing up a study on the Unseen Realm. In this study we have learned to build a supernatural filter through which we can see the Bible through the eyes of its original authors and their audience. Our meetup time is 7:00 PM on Wednesday evenings up in room 208.

Room 208
Mountain City Church

Wednesday at 11:45 AM

Military Bible Study Group

This group is for military members and/or veterans to explore faith and experience community. It’s a safe place for you to ask questions, learn about the Bible and Christianity, and establish a weekly rhythm of studying the Bible. Meets on JBER at the Wilderness Inn DFAC.

Jber Anchorage, AK 99505

Thursday at 2:00 PM

Mom's In Prayer

This is a group of moms who are praying for their children and the schools they attend. Meets in room 110.

Room 110
Mountain City Church

Wednesday at 7:00 PM

One to One Discipleship

Discipleship is a one on one class where we have lessons on discovering who you are in Christ and how to grow! We want to train you to take others through basic lessons on the life of Christ! This is a wonderful way to experience mentoring and fulfilling the great commission! Meets in rooms 117 & 119.

Room 118
Mountain City Church

Tuesday at 6:00 PM

Parents of Estranged Adult Children & Other Family Support

Estrangement is a form of spiritual warfare - an assault on families is sweeping across our nation. You don’t have to go through this alone. Together, we encourage and support one another through scripture and prayer as we journey towards reconciliation. Meets in East Anchorage.

Room 118
Mountain City Church

Tuesday at 7:00 PM

Partners in Process

Partners in Process is a group for women whose lives have been affected by sexual addiction. Emotional and/or physical infidelity causes a pain that is almost unbearable and indescribable. Women facing this need a safe environment to talk about what they are feeling with other women who can truly understand and relate to what they are going through. Each woman’s details are different, but the deep pain caused by sexual addiction is the same.

6505 DeBarr Rd Anchorage, AK 99504

Sunday at 4:30 PM

Praying for Young Adults

Second Sunday of the Month - This prayer group specifically meets to pray for young adults every month. We will pray for their future, decisions, friendships, jobs, walk with Christ, and so much more. Meets in room 111.

Room 111
Mountain City Church

Thursday at 6:00 PM

Props Group

If you are a craftsman, skilled at carpentry, design, fabrication, painting and good with tools – this is the group for you. We meet together to build props, custom furniture, signs, and other odd ends for various events and ministries at the church. Meets in the church prop shop.

Room 111
Mountain City Church

Tuesday at 7:00 PM

Recovery Alaska

Recovery Alaska is a place to fellowship and celebrate God’s healing power in our lives through the “8 Recovery Principles.”

6505 DeBarr Rd Anchorage, AK 99504

The 1st Monday of every month at 7:00 PM

Sarah's Laughter

Did you know that one in eight couples struggle with infertility? I am one in eight! Infertility is a tough and sometimes long journey. It takes a toll on us physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. It is a road none of us planned or would have chosen; however, it doesn’t have to be a road that we walk alone. Sarah’s Laughter offers faith-based Christian support to those dealing with infertility. We, at Sarah’s Laughter, would love to come alongside you on this journey!

6505 DeBarr Rd Anchorage, AK 99504

Wednesday at 11:00 AM

Senior Adults Bible Study

A group of elderly brothers and sisters in Christ looking to connect relationally and grow spiritually through fellowship and Bible study. Meets in room 113.

Room 113
Mountain City Church

Weekly: Mondays,Wednesdays,Fridays at 9:30 AM

Senior Exercise Group

Together we walk for 30 minutes and finish our exercise in room 113. We alternate between yoga and cardio exercises for balance and muscle tone. Not muscle building.

Room 113
Mountain City Church

Tuesday at 7:00 PM

Sexual Addiction

The Sexual Addiction for Men group offers Christ-centered support for men seeking recovery from lust and compulsive sexual behaviors. The cornerstone of our program is the power and love of Jesus Christ. It is built upon the fellowship of the group, having a safe place to share our struggles, pain and victories with the accountability and the mutual support of the group throughout the week.

6505 DeBarr Rd Anchorage, AK 99504

The 1st Wednesday of every month at 7:00 PM

Sidewalk Ministries

Come join us in bringing the hope of Jesus to those in great need! We are a group that meets together to pray over and engage in Christ-like love individuals who are contemplating abortion. We meet once a month on the first Wednesday of every month at Mountain City Church for prayer and training. We also meet weekly on Thursdays for sidewalk outreach in front of a local abortion clinic where we offer a friendly smile, prayer, information on pregnancy centers, and gift bags to clients. There are many ways you can get involved. God has already used this outreach to save babies lives and bring healing and hope to moms and dads. We are looking for more people of prayer and conviction to join us! For more information please reach out to Nicole. Meets in room 209.

6401 E Northern Lights Blvd Anchorage, AK 99504-3312

Sunday at 9:30 AM

Starting Point

Starting Point is a conversation based group where you can explore faith and experience community. It’s a safe place for you to ask questions, learn about the Bible and Christianity, and establish the starting point of your faith.

Room 111
Mountain City Church

Monday at 6:30 PM

Trail Life USA

This is a group for fathers to connect, disciple, mentor, and train their boys to become godly men.

6401 E Northern Lights Blvd Anchorage, AK 99504-3312

Wednesday at 7:00 PM

Village Small Group

To study the Bible and discuss it in depth along with the rest of your Village in order to grow closer to God, follow Jesus more each day, and live that life within our church family and Village. Meets in room 207.

Room 207
Mountain City Church

Weekly: Mondays,Tuesdays,Wednesdays,Thursdays,Fridays at 9:00 AM

Walking Group

A senior adults exercise group that meets to walk around/through the church Monday thru Friday each week at 9am. Those who would like can also join in the Senior Adults Exercise Group that meets in room 113 at 9:30am Monday/Wednesday/Friday each week.

Room 113
Mountain City Church

The 2nd Saturday of every month at 12:00 PM

Widow's Connection

This group comes alongside our single ladies and widows to provide food, fellowship, and encouragement. Meets in room 113.

Room 113
Mountain City Church

Tuesday at 7:00 PM

Woman’s Issues

This group is for women who's lives have been affected by substance and/or physical abuse. This group is a part of Recovery Alaska that meets at 7pm at the Redemptive Center and then breaks out into it's individual group.

6505 DeBarr Rd Anchorage, AK 99504

Wednesday at 7:00 PM

Women of the WORD

We have all at one time struggled with worry, anxiety, the "what if's," and with being content. "Calm My Anxious Heart"  by Linda Dillow is a 12-week study that starts on February 19th at the church in room 118 and will focus on what the Bible has to say about this topic.  Additionally, we will discuss daily practical helps for life's difficult times.  The books are already ordered and the cost is $10.99.  Financial help is available.

Room 118
Mountain City Church

Thursday at 6:15 PM

Women's Bible Study

A group for women looking to connect relationally and grow spiritually through Bible study. Meets in East Anchorage.

Room East Anchorage
Mountain City Church

Tuesday at 10:00 AM

Women's Group

We are presently studying David Jeremiah's "Belief that Behaves" which explores the book of Ephesians.

Room 113
Mountain City Church

Weekly: Wednesdays at 6:30 PM
02/12/2025 to 04/30/2025

World Religions/Biblical World View III

The Elective is World Religions/Biblical World View III (I & II are not prerequisites), the Instructor is Dr. Will Honeycutt. Cost is $84 per person. This is a 2 credit hour Bible college class. This class is being offered on either Wednesday night or Sunday night. It's the same class being offered two different days/times. Meets Wednesdays in room 113.

Room 113
Mountain City Church

Weekly: Sundays at 6:30 PM
02/16/2025 to 05/04/2025

World Religions/Biblical World View III

The Elective is World Religions/Biblical World View III (I & II are not prerequisites), the Instructor is Dr. Will Honeycutt. Cost is $84 per person. This is a 2 credit hour Bible college class. This class is being offered on either Wednesday night or Sunday night. It's the same class being offered two different days/times. Meets Sundays in room 111.

Room 111
Mountain City Church

Sunday at 7:00 PM

Young Adult Men

Going through the book of Acts. Meets in East Anchorage.

2304 Success Dr Anchorage, AK 99504-3270

Monday at 7:00 PM

Young Adult Women

A group for young adult ladies to connect relationally and grow spiritually through Bible study. Meets in East Anchorage.

Room East Anchorage
Mountain City Church

Young Married Small Group

This group is for young married women. We chat and share practical tips and are currently going through the Fruitful Wife. We meet once a month on Tuesday in East Anchorage.

Room East Anchorage
Mountain City Church